Top 10 Easy Ways to Conserve Water in Your Home

April 9, 2021
 | By 
Queen Plumbing Charlotte

Conserving water is an easy and effective way to lower your monthly water bill. But conservation of water does more than diminish your electricity bills. But in a broader sense, this good practice does more than that.

You might be wondering that 71% of the earth is water; why should you save water, right? Yes, you are half-right about your question. Indeed, most of our planet is covered in water, but 90% of that water is not suitable for drinking. Only 3% of the earth's water is fresh, and 0.5% is drinking water. So, you must conserve water for your future generations.

Now, you might be wondering why you never notice any water waste in your house. But there are some reasons responsible for the constant destruction of water in your household that is not noticeable. A survey conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency found that the average family in America spends about $500 on water bills and sewer bills alone. A further poll suggests that you can save almost $170 just by some water-saving practices.

According to the Water stats by the US EPA, an average household wastes about 180 gallons of water per week and 10,000 gallons of water per year. Imagine all the extra bills you have been paying for years! Also, our availability of water is finite.

Water conservation has some benefits that can contribute to our future generations, including minimizing the effects of drought, preserving the environment, avoiding political conflict, preventing waterborne diseases, containing soil moisture, increasing water plants, and many more.

This article contains the 10 of the easiest ways of water conservation you can practice in your daily life for the benefit of humankind and, yes, also to lower your bills. Here, we describe some of the easiest water-efficient methods you can practice with minimum effort. These are probably the most straightforward water-saving tips to follow. Let's get started-

Turn Off The Water Tap When You Are Not Using It

We often keep our taps and showers running while brushing our teeth, washing our hands, and using soap. It would help if you practiced turning off the faucet or shower when you are not actively using it. This might seem a little step towards a massive problem like water waste. But you will be surprised to know how many gallons of water you are conserving by this tiny step.

Turn off your running tap when you are not using it

You save 1000 gallons of water per year by turning off the tap water when brushing. Surprised? You should be. Imagine how much water you have been wasting. You can save water bills considerably by turning off the water tap when not actively using it. It would help if you turned saving water into a good habit.

Fix Leaks And Immediately

Hidden leaks are one of the major causes of unnecessary water usage and waste. As the leaks are very tough to identify, most homeowners leave them as they are and ignore them. This leads to a considerable amount of water waste resulting in an increased water bill. Leaky faucets, pipe leaks, loose joints, dual flush toilet leaks, garbage disposal leaks, pipe fractures, and rusty metal pipes are common leaks found in houses.

Plumber fixing the pipe with wrench

You should repair leaky faucets, pipes, and loose joints immediately if you identify one. And if you notice a sudden rise in the water bill, you should hire professional plumbing services for the total diagnosing and fixing of any leaks. Repairing leaks will not only help you conserve water money but also will protect your plumbing too.

Spend Less Time In Shower

Many of us have the malpractice of spending considerable time in the shower and using our smartphones. An average water shower head can drip five to ten gallons of water in two minutes.

Spending more time in the shower with the showerhead turned on

If you reduce your shower time by just two minutes, you save at least five gallons of water. Also, it would help if you only took a bath when you were in the shower. Reducing your screen time in the toilet and showers can save a lot of water. The water bill will also be reduced proportionally. You can install water-saving showerheads to prevent water waste. Using hot water and cold water differently can cause water waste. You should use hot water and cold water simultaneously for maximum water efficiency.

Don't Use Dishwasher Or Washing Machine Until They Are Full

Dishwashers and Washing machines are pretty standard nowadays. An old dishwasher uses approximately 9-24 gallons of water per cycle. But a dishwasher has an efficient watering system and is always more efficient than hand washing. Hand washing dishes require more water.

Only use the washing machine when it is full for maximum water conservation

But it would help if you did not use a dishwasher when it is not on full loads. It will increase the water usage and also the electricity bill. Modern dishwashers are an excellent replacement for your old ones as they offer maximum energy efficiency. An energy-efficient model will ensure up to 9times less water usage.

The same goes for washing machines. Average washing machines use almost 20 gallons of water per load, which adds up to nearly 6000 gallons per year. There is some high-efficiency washing machine that uses 33% less water usage. Also, it would help if you only used your clothes washer on full loads. It would help if you only used a dishwasher or washing machine when in full loads for saving money and ensuring water conservation.

Conserving Water By Installing Rain Barrels

A rain barrel is a device used for harvesting rainwater. If you have a household with many plants, this is the perfect one for you. Irrigation system for plants requires a lot of water. You can shorten the amount of this water for plants by installing a rain barrel in your house. You can also make plant drought-resistant lawns with the help of a rain barrel.

Rainwater is one of the safest and most reliable drinking water resources used for every household usage. According to EPA, rain barrels can save water up to 1300 gallons. A rain barrel can contribute to water conservation in your household needs without any energy bills.

Install Water-Saving Aerators And Showerheads

Water-saving aerators are great devices that can be installed within minutes. The primary function of an aerator is to reduce the water flow exponentially. One of the most efficient watering systems uses a spray device in the tap mouth. It contributes to water conservation by reducing the water flow rate from 2.2 gallons to 0.5 gallons of water per minute.

The same goes for the water-saving shower heads. Water showerheads are devices that allow light sprinkling of water in the shower. As we have mentioned above, an average showerhead can waste a lot of water. Installing a low-flow showerhead can reduce unnecessary water consumption and your monthly water bill.

Save Water By Using Less Electricity

Save water by using less electricity; turn off the switch every time you go out

Saving water by saving electricity? How? This one is surprising, but power plants need to cool down to operate. Most power plants use hydro-powered technology, which requires a lot of water. Using less electricity can reduce the electricity demand and, therefore, less water usage in hydro-powered technology.

Your little efforts can contribute to a surprising amount of water conservation. Switch off your fans, lights, and other electric devices before going out. Use natural daylight during the day.

Reduce Your Water Bill By Installing House Water Meter

 Install water meter for maximum water conservation and control

Water usage can not be determined and diagnosed without pieces of equipment. But you can monitor your water usage by water meters. You can also set water restrictions daily to control unnecessary water use.

A water meter is a device that monitors and displays the volume of water passing through any pipe. It is generally installed in the main water line. The water meter displays the water usage. You will only pay bills according to your use resulting in a significant reduction in water bills.

Reuse And Recycle Water

Recycle and reuse the water you are currently using. You can easily reuse water for multiple purposes. For example, when cooking pasta, use that water to deep soak vegetables; you can use your soapy water for mopping the floor, rinse water from vegetable food waste and water your plants, etc.

This practice can reduce a lot of water waste. You can contribute to water conservation by reusing and recycling water. We highly recommend you reuse and recycle water in your regular household works. It also contributes to reducing carbon footprints.

Cover Your Swimming Pool When You Are Not Using It

Swimming pools are always fun. But it would help if you did not keep your swimming pool open when you are not using it. The evaporation of water happens on the surface of the water. If you keep your swimming pool open when you are not using it, the water evaporation can waste water considerably.

Use cover in your swimming pools when you are not using

Water footprint suggests that you are saving 30 to 50% of water just by covering up your swimming pool. Covering your swimming pool can reduce your need for refilling and re-heating. Therefore, resulting in a significant reduction in annual water bills.

Final Thoughts

Water conservation is a relatively easy practice, and its reward is far more beneficial. It requires more diligence, mindset, and practice to imply it daily. There are many environmental, social, political, and financial advantages of water conservation. You don't even know how much it contributes to the world through your little water-saving efforts. This article emphasizes the best and the most straightforward water-saving tips that you can follow regularly. We have concluded some of the water waste reasons that are easily neglected. And preventing these wastes can improve your quality of life. You are not only reducing your water bills but also contributing to the whole world's drinking water. We strongly recommend you follow the water-saving tips mentioned above to benefit the entire world and yourself.

And suppose you need any plumbing service, including installing low-flow faucet aerators, leaky faucets, rain barrels, leaky pipes, water meters, and other water-saving technologies. In that case, you can call QUEEN CHARLOTTE PLUMBING for any installation, repair, and replacement.

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