5 Point for Pet-Proofing Your Plumbing in Charlotte

February 19, 2021
 | By 
Queen Plumbing Charlotte

We love our pets. We love when our pipes functions. We don't love when our pets stop our plumbing from functioning. It does not seem like a common problem... but you would be surprised. Nearly one-third of U.S. homeowners have a cat or a puppy. That means pet-related plumbing issues are surprisingly common issues for almost one-third of households. So! How will you maintain your plumbing safe from (and for) Fido and Fluffy?

Easily! Check out these five useful pointers to help you pet-proof your house's plumbing. Incorporating these best practices can help keep your pups and your plumbing protected from one another lengthy term. You can go on enjoying both without worrying about how one may ruin another!

Cover up exposed pipes

Pet-proofing your house is not all that distinct from child-proofing it. The majority of the same basic principles apply; it's all about hiding the dangerous stuff. First and foremost, cover up any exposed pipes or wiring. You could either purchase basic pipe covers or take a DIY approach.

It doesn't matter how you do it, only that you're doing. Simple covers can help ensure your dog can not chew through your plumbing. It's simple, it's fast, and it truly helps.

Install pressure balancing valves

If someone flushes a toilet while you're showering, does your warm water scald you all of a sudden? Should it, that is probably because your house doesn't have stress balancing valves. That is a problem. Without pressure balancing valves, hot water could jet out of some of your faucets all of a sudden, scalding whomever happens to be using that water.

Sudden bursts of warm water might seem like a minor annoyance for you, but they're a significant problem for pets. Luckily, you may install pressure balancing valves easily and cheaply.

Consistently utilize drain guards

Would you know what the leading cause of clogged shower drains is? Hair. Not automatically human hair, either. Cats and dogs may let loose a lot of fluff as you're bathing them. Fortunately, you may install drain guards easily and cheaply. You'll be amazed at how much a couple of drain guards help prevent clogged drains.

Keep your toilet lid closed Queen Charlotte Plumbing Charlotte

We not advocate using chemical drain cleaners, since they're acidic. They may dissolve your clogs alright, but they will usually dissolve your pipes at precisely the exact same time. Pipes are not the only thing chemical drain cleaners can damage, either. If your pet ingests chemical drain cleaner, then it'll be a big problem. If you use a chemical drain cleaner on your bathroom, maintain the toilet's lid closed while it does its own thing.

You do not need your pet eating toxic leftover chemical residue from the toilet bowl water. Luckily, this is rather simple to prevent. First, keep your toilet lids closed at all times--even if you don't utilize chemical drain cleaner. This will help stop them from learning that they can drink out of the toilet. Second, take some time to burn their water bowl at least twice a day. If they always have water, they will never need to search for it everywhere in Charlotte.

Ensure that your dog isn't digging too deep in the lawn

Some sewer lines might just be a foot and a half deep under your lawn. If your dog loves digging, be sure they are never in the backyard unsupervised. Dogs can dig their way down (and through!) Sewer line pipes, rupturing the plumbing at the process.

In case your family's puppy, cat, gerbil, parrot, lion, or alternative beloved pet caused by plumbing issue, don't worry! Instead, phone up the experts in Queen Charlotte Plumbing Charlotte. We are happy to repair the existing issue. We are also happy to equip you with the wisdom to keep it from occurring again. We want to keep you and your pets contented!
